Hi all. This is Vijay, a software engineer. I came back to India
after a two year stint in the US, and we live in Delhi, the beautiful
capital of India. I am from a small family. My dad and mom are
doctors and my elder sister is a model. My dad is 52, my mom 44 and
my sister is 26 and myself 24. We live in a posh colony and have a
fairly large house. My sister and myself still live with our parents.
It was a weekend, and I was lazing around. I was lying on the large
sofa and watching the TV and I heard footsteps coming from the
staircase that comes down into the living room from our bed rooms.
Leena didi was running down the stairs as she was shouting at me, I
have a shooting today, would you drive me there if you are free?
I turned to look at her. She was in a tight low waist jeans that
hugged her form and a white top that ended far above the waistline of
her pants. She was lithe and tall. Her five feet seven inches form
did not have an once of extra fat anywhere. She did yoga regularly
and aerobics to keep fit – which was a demand of her profession. Her
hair was straight and fell below her shoulder. She had large brown
eyes, high cheek bones and a rather broad mouth with full lips, which
made her unconventionally beautiful. Her skin was flawless and smooth.
I had never been to a shooting, and agreed to it immediately.
`At your service ma'm.' I replied and asked her when do you want to
Right now. And you better get ready and you have only two minutes to
do that.
I rushed to my room. I wore a cargo pant and an old navy T-shirt and
a nike sneaker. "Sis, I am ready… Come one" I shouted as I made my
way to the garage.
I reversed the car and by the time I brought it to the portico my
sister was already there standing with a small shoulder bag. "That's
got my make up kits and a spare pair of clothes" she said as she
jumped into her seat.
"Where to?" I asked.
"In a farmhouse, in the outskirts of the city "– she said and passed
on a slip of paper with the address of the location.
We kept chatting sweet nothings as we headed to her location.
"What is the shooting?" I asked.
"It is a music video. I m the lead."
"Do not tell me you sing as well." I said.
"No, I will be acting it out with someone doing a playback. Thank
God!! The listeners are spared!!" I joked and got a playful punch on
my shoulder!!
It took us about an hour to reach the location. The whole team was
ready. I was made to seat with other which included the director and
the crew. No one bothered to talk to me, and I too did not bother to
introduce myself. The director called Leena didi (didi is the Indian
word for elder sisters) and was explaining her the song and
sequences. I was quizzically looking at the set up, the cameras and
the lights.
The set was quite well done. It had an artificial fountain, a man-
made rock and a man-made waterfall. There were trees and a sprawling
lawn. It was quite a beautiful set.
A while later, Leena didi came out of the green room, which was
somewhere in the farmhouse. She wore a white saree, wrapped very
tightly around her, well below her navel. It showed her wash-board
flat tummy. She had a backless choli (blouse) which was very low cut,
showing her cleavage through the thin material of her saree. She had
on lots of silver bangles and necklace. She was in a single word
looking gorgeous. I looked at her appreciating her beauty and she
smiled at me, and proceeded to the center where the lights were
focused. The cameraman was ready and so were the spot boys and other
The music started playing in the background and Leena didi started
dancing to the music. The choreographer was showing her the steps,
and telling her with gestures how to dance to that tune.
The shot is ready. The choreographer announced and the clapper boy
came and signaled the beginning of the shotting. The director shifted
himself near the cameraman. I saw some hose pipes and a water pump,
and guessed they will be making artificial rain possibly.
The music started and Leena did started swaying to the music, making
lip-movement as if she was singing. She was provocatively swinging
her hips and then halfway, as the song progressed, the shower on top
started off to create rain. It was quite a hot song, and Leens did's
movements were quite suggestive and erotic. As it started raining,
her saree was getting wet, and the think material was becoming
transparent. It almost became see-through. One camera was placed a
rail which was moving, another was on a crane, high up and one was
right in front. The three cameras were recording. Leena didi was
moving and swaying, and then with her back to the camera was swaying
her hips – sidewise and back and forth. I could see her white panties
under the now transparent saree. Her back was fully bare. A strong
only held her blouse together. Then she swirled around and faced the
camera. Her breasts were now in full view, under the transparent
saree clinging to it. The blouse was very very low cut and left most
of her breasts bare.
The director suddenly shouted "Cut" and said, "great shot Leena, now
get ready for the next one. This time the bar-girl costume".
"Thanks," my sister replied and went off to change. When she came
out, I was stunned. I refused to believe it was my own elder sister.
She had a very very small leather skirt which came just below her
hips. A top which is no bigger than a bra. All the jewelry was gone.
She had some fluorescent paints on her hair and arms. She had on a
high-heeled stiletto.
The choreographer came again and explained her the shot, herself
dancing as the music played. Leena didi practiced with her once and
then rehearsed the movements herself with the music. The director was
also explaining her something.
All were ready for the take 2.
The music started off, this time louder and it was really raunchy
with fast beats. Leena did started dancing to the music. Swinging
herself to music and tapping her feet, swirling around and throwing
her legs and moving her arms. Her gyrations were very provocative. In
one part while facing the camera she was moving her pelvis with her
eyes half-clsed, back and forth as if she was screwing someone. She
had her legs spread a bit and jiggled her tits and swung her hips.
She danced with the music till it lasted.
"Fantastic Leena. It is still better. You are wonderful."
Thanks, Leena did said and came to a chair in front of me and sat
down facing me.
"How did you like it?" She asked me.
"Fabulous" I replied and was trying keep my eyes off her. As she sat
on the chair – which was quite low, her skirt rode over her thighs.
Her legs were spread a bit and I could see her panties inside. It was
light pink.. "Any more shots left?" I asked.
"No, it is over for the day. Let me go and change, and then we shall
go back. " She came back after a few minutes, said bye to all the
people in the unit and walked upto the car and I started off.
The image of my elder sister was flashing in my mind continuously as
I was driving. Her titillating dance in the rain, her provocative
dance in miniskirts had me disturbed. Much against my wishes, my cock
was hard, and howsoever I tried to get myself distracted, I failed. I
was driving silently, when Leena did asked, What happened to you? Why
are you so dull?"
I gave a nervous smile as I said, "Nothing".
"To see me dance like that got on your nerves?" She asked.
"Not exactly, I have seen even more provocative dances, I have in
fact seen few nude shows, so that is nothing," I replied defensively.
"say that again – provocative – I mean you found my dance
provocative? " she interrupted me.
Yeah, sort of. I replied. "When you get soaked under rain and show
your body, or dance in a revealing costume leaving very little to
imagination – what do you call it?? "
Leena didi was silent. And then slowly whispered, "Did it turn you
on? I mean, did you find my dance sexy…."
"Any man would get excited when you see a pretty lady in such pose
and making such suggestive movements," I said in a matter-of-fact
"Tell me straight, did you get excited? I do not want a generic reply
from you like that>" Her voice was sort of firm.
"Well, kind of… I did get excited" I said in an apologetic tone.
"Even if it was your own elder sister, you still got excited?" She
asked again.
"So what if the person is one's own sister? Do not act so naïve Didi.
Any man will get excited when you see someone so sexy. I am no
exception." I retorted. "And do not tell me that you do not know
anything about birds and bees, at your age and being in this
She laughed. "Well, cool down. I am so much used to ramps and people
looking at me that I did not think it would upset you to see me like
"I am not upset, not at all. Rather I am proud of you. I am proud to
be your brother. It is fine with me what you do in your profession. I
would not mind telling people when they appreciate you in this video
that you are my sister." I reassured her.
"So sweet of you darling." She replied before becoming quiet for a
We reached home. Our parents had not returned. It was late afternoon
by then. I did not know what to do to fight the boredom. I was
thinking of going out and hanging with my friends, when Leena did
shouted from upstairs, "Hey, what about hitting a disco tonight".
"I do not mind, or rather that would be great." I replied.
"Yep. We shall go at about eight" She said as she came down and sat
by my side on the sofa.
"Dublin would be good," she suggested.
"Yeah, that is a cool place, I love it. I have been there few times."
I replied.
"I used to go there with my boy friend, before we broke up." She said.
"I did not know you broke up with your boyfriend." I said sincerely.
"yeah, about a couple of months back," she replied, " he was so so
possessive, it was very stifling to be with him. You know, in this
profession, at times, you got to be a bit liberated, you know what it
means, and he would not let me go out with any one. And to top it
all, when I told him that once a director wanted to sleep with me for
making me the lead lady, he called me names and left for good"
I was stunned to hear such things from my own elder sister. I asked
her, "You mean you have to sleep with the director for roles?"
"Most times, yes. Director, or financer or the producer – they are
all one. And with so much of competition in this line, you have no
other go. And what is wrong in it? I would not mind if my boyfriend
sleeps with someone. So why should he mind if I sleep with someone?
Moreover, I sleep with someone not for fun – but for necessity."
"But do you have to do all this? We are quite affluent, and no one
needs your money. Why do you have to sleep with people?" I said with
a bit of protest for her questionable morality.
I want to make it big in this world. And believe me, almost everyone
uses sex as a tool to climb up the ladder. And, do in Rome as the
Romans do. I do the same. And mostly, it is just a quickie with those
Her revelations was again making me horny. To know that she sleeps
around with people, like a wh*** had a telling effect on me, and my
cock was standing up.
I looked at her. Well, she had what you call an hourglass figure. A
perfect 36 breast, a slim waist and wide hips. Who can resist such a
beauty? When I looked at her, I was almost inspecting her from head
to toe. Her proud breasts were firm, and her nipples were faintly
making themselves conspicuous through her top. Her flat belly and her
sexy belly button were left uncovered. There was a small tattoo
around her belly button.
She broke the silence again. "What are you thinking? Does it bother
you when you know that I am sleeping around?"
"Well, I am not sure, but I guess it depends. Not every man can
tolerate if his girl-friend sleeps with others." I replied.
"In which age are you living my dear brother? Do you mean you do not
fool around with your girls? You do not sleep with them? Look, today,
one needs space and one needs independence. One should do what he or
she thinks is right. And I have no guilt feelings that I have slept
with so many people. I would not mind if my husband sleeps with
someone, after I marry; as long as he lets me do what I need to
do." "That is perfect." I agreed with her. "It depends on what kind
of understanding you have with your spouse."
"Actually, once he went with me for a shooting. After the shooting, I
went in to change. When I went into the green room, the producer was
waiting. He started feeling my breasts and promised me that he would
cast me in his next production if I give him a blow job. And I sort
of equated it – a simple blow-job would give me such an opportunity.
I did not resist him and gave him a blow-job there itself. When I
returned, my boyfriend asked me what took me so long. I was very
honest and truthful to him, and confided in him everything. In stead
of appreciating my truthfulness he dumped me. I also told him to fuck
off!!" She was talking quite animatedly.
Hearing all these accounts of her escapades, my cock was stiff. It
was hot like iron and I was shifting my position and trying to push
it down.
Leena didi understood it.
With a naughty smile on her lips she asked, "So I have got you all
I did not say a word, just looked at her and then smiled.
"Are you getting enough here?" she asked.
"What?" I asked as if I did not understand..
"Pussy!" she replied and pointed to her quim.
"Not really. After I returned from the States, I am in a perpetually
excited state. I had plenty there. But here – girls are too cold,
almost frigid and so stupid and conservative. The last tine I got
laid was when I got one escort – a Russian girl, when no one was
home. And she was great, and gave good head and even let me have anal
sex. I tried to contact her later, but understood she had left for
Russia. And never had luck with any one neither in internet nor in
office." I said and got up to the fridge to pick up a drink.
"Shall I get you a drink?" I asked as I took out a pack of six
bacardi breezer. "Oh yes" she consented, "But let me change and come."
I kept the two bottles on the coffee table and was waiting for her.
She came down wearing a pair of white bicycle shorts that looked like
a second skin and a loose short top. She came to the sofa, lurched
and bent down to pick up the bottles. As she did so, she gave me a
lovely view of the fantastic ass she had. I did not see any
pantylines, and was thinking if she was wearing any undergarments at
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